Mouth and Foot Painting Artists, Inc., Atlanta

   The MFPA actually began in 1956 when mouth painter, Erich Stegmann, and a small group of disabled artists started a self-help association. Their aim was to be able to live on their art work. This was to be done by marketing their work in the form of greeting cards, calendars, prints and illustrated books. Their efforts were successful and have continued and grown until today. From that small group of disabled artists have emerged a worldwide association which now has more than 500 members based in 67 countries.

      We have three levels of membership -- Student Member, Associate Member and Full Member. You must submit an application, some of your drawings and paintings and doctors records to be accepted as a Student Member. As a student, you receive a scholarship that will enable you to financially pursue your art work. As your work improves, your scholarship increases to meet your increasing needs. Associate Member is the middle level on your way to Full Member. As a Full Member, you can be completely self-sufficient, even with the added costs of living with a disability.

     We send out two mailings per year -- one before Christmas and one in the springtime. The mailings consist of greeting cards, usually a calendar in the Christmas mailing and other items you can order from us. You are under no obligation to purchase the cards or calendar and are also under no obligation to return them. If you would like to be on our mailing list,  please e-mail me. Perhaps you would like to explore the possibility of becoming a Student- please e-mail me regarding this also. For a handicapped person this opens up a whole new and exciting world.

When e-mailing me, be sure to include your full name, address, city, state and ZIP code. My e-mail address is SPMP@Bellsouth .net I will then forward your information to our Atlanta office.

On behalf of all the Students, Associate Members and Full Members, I thank you for your interest in our organization and for your willingness to help handicapped people realize their full potential.

In order to view the MFPA's U.S. web site. please click on

Thank you again for your interest.

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